

柯林斯高级英语学习词典 Collins COBUILD

大小:203.4MB语言:EN, KO 类别:参考资料系统:iosUniversal
版本:3.8.2时间:2022-03-01 01:51:49

标签: 英语学习学习词典学习

The complete Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary • Made specially for learners of English • Over 146,000 words, meanings and examples • Thousands of notes on grammar and ways to use words • No internet connection needed.

Collins is one of the top makers of English language dictionaries in the world. Its language specialists make use of large amounts of language data to create up-to-date dictionaries with many examples and grammatical information. The word descriptions are designed specially to help language users know how and when to best use a word.

This app contains the full version of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary, 6th edition, 2009.

Dictionary features include:
• 41,000 word entries and 105,000 text samples including all frequently used words.
• a long list of phrasal verbs with detailed descriptions of their meaning.
• meanings explained using commonly used words only, so learners can easily understand entries.
• British and American English vocabulary. British/American-only words are specially marked.
• explanations and examples use natural sounding, commonly used grammar and expressions.
• thousands of examples of real English showing learners how a word is normally used.
• audio files with American native speakers‘ pronunciation of words and sentences.
• a pronunciation guide (IPA) with word stress shown next to each word entry.
• large amount of grammatical information:
-- parts of speech (noun, verb, adj. etc.) of each word.
-- irregular verb forms and noun plurals.
-- which prepositions are used with which verbs and adjectives.
-- whether a noun is countable or non-countable.
• no internet connection needed to use dictionary

--Search Features—
• Wildcard search: enter “?” or “*” in place of a letter when you are unsure of the spelling (e.g., “man*ver” retrieves the word “maneuver”).
• search for similar words: e.g. clicking on “adding” in an entry yields a list of similar and derivative words: “addition”, “additional”, “additive”, “addition reaction”.
• Browse through the dictionary alphabetically or flip from one entry to the next with a flick of a finger.
• link to Google so that you can search for more information on particular words.

--Special features for revising vocabulary—
• History menu lists all your recent word searches.
• save words and expressions to any number of flashcard folders.
• mark flashcard words which need you still need to memorize.

** In order to conform to iOS guidelines, we have had to raise the lowest compatible iOS version to 9.0**

--DioDict 3 dictionary engine for iPhone—
DioDict is the number one brand in mobile phone dictionary software market. A dedicated team of over 100 developers, planners and quality control specialists work together to create high quality software using the latest language technology. Our dictionaries are tested thoroughly before release and are pre-installed on a large range of mobile phones old and new, including Samsung and LG smartphones.

■ CS center : [email protected]

Our company name is now 'SELVAS AI' officially changed from DIOTEK.
The new name reflects our dedication to Artificial Intelligence technology, all of us at SELVAS AI strive to do our best for our customers.


本站网友:Taodian在2018-08-04 06:29:08回复:柯林斯高级英语学习词典 Collins COBUILD,感觉是给小朋友用的…单词量少到可怜 界面幼稚不简洁 释义非常少 真的真的非常失望 就当花钱买教训了…
本站网友:xlpnxzw在2018-02-01 00:54:08回复:连roughly都查不出来 还不如用Collins 网页版,购买后竟然是韩语版本,请尽快解决
本站网友:Allison101101在2015-11-18 00:49:16回复:软件竟然不是中文或英文版,点查询就闪退很多天以后,还是没有更新。。。
本站网友:jinjing8299在2015-04-13 23:11:04回复:闪退,棒子公司太坑爹了!同一个的解释和collins完全不同!collins解释的又简单又清楚,它就说不清楚。md!说的是棒子英语吗?比国产免费软件翔实度低,不要上当啊!
本站网友:吴乐乐+在2015-04-03 22:41:52回复:太差了!不是真正的collins!,非常好的英英词典、解释很简单、易懂
本站网友:francisshy在2015-03-26 09:39:53回复:非常好的英英词典、解释很简单、易懂,为什么最近在用flashcards时总发生闪退的情况,希望能给解决。
本站网友:Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah在2015-01-18 08:57:33回复:总闪退,COBUILD的强大实力有目共睹,物有所值,真心推荐,全5星
本站网友:高艺鲜鲜鲜在2014-07-13 06:07:07回复:最适合中国人的英英词典,没有之一,最差劲的一个收费软件没有之一!千万别被花里胡哨的表象给吸引了。实际上真是烂到极致,这么贵的词典居然连很多单词都查不到,例如criteria等等等等,而且发音也并不标准还很难听!!真得就是骗钱的!大家千万别买,还不如用有道!
本站网友:Wqldx2003在2014-04-15 07:12:38回复:嗯,其他词典都是真人录音了,这个还是电脑发音,有的单词会读错,望尽快补充真人录音!词典本身是很好的词典,软件也做得不错,支持~尽快加入真人录音~要知道牛津和朗文连例句都有真人录音啦!
本站网友:alexc0607在2014-02-12 17:19:09回复:语音不是真人的,还不错
本站网友:杨杨爱汪汪在2013-09-23 14:54:26回复:good,坑爹
本站网友:ssdekkjjm在2013-09-07 09:06:15回复:无声音,无语音,坑爹,太差了吧
本站网友:四眼哥哥在2011-10-31 04:26:31回复:不值,2009年新版的,中国还没有纸版的买.单词的解释非常通俗.一般基础的能看懂表达.其它的词典解释看了很难准确理解英文解释.词典对每个单词都列表了时态的变化.对单词的不同词性也有详细区分.是学习英文比较重要的掌握项目.缺点是没有同义词和反义词的分析.以后版本能加上就好了.这个提供商出的词典内容都非常正统.和纸版的词典没有差别.只是没有纸版里的图片内容.希望以后能加上.各种功能和操作方式比较新颖和实用.
本站网友:LEE Yung Michael在2011-10-27 20:56:09回复:版本新,内容完整,我们知道在iPad的文本中,点按一个单词选定后,会出现浮动工具条,好进行下一步操作。在DioDict的单词释义和例句文本中选定一个单词后也会这样,同时会出现词典本身的浮动工具条,选择“Dictionary”,出现临时小窗口,显示选定单词的解释。如果接下来又在这个小窗口中发现有单词不认识,就再点选这个单词,小窗口的内容换成新选单词的解释;小窗口下端出现前进、后退按钮,可回到之前小窗口中查询的单词解释页。不过小窗口中查询到的单词,不会出现在"History"查询列表中,小窗口取消后,也就没有记录了。发现个bug,如果搜索到的单词释义只有一二行,会出现点按一个单词,结果整段释义被选定的情况。解决办法是选择浮动工具条的"dictionary",出现在小窗口的单词及释义没有变化,和本来大窗口中的相同;这时再在小窗口中点选要查询的单词,就可以了。其他词典是用的live-tap,更方便,只要在释义和例句文本中点击一个单词,整个窗口就换成这个单词的解释页面。通过live-tap方式查询到的单词,和通过搜索栏查询到的单词一样,都会在"History"列表中,供之后的回查。
本站网友:Babyblue9618在2011-03-17 00:57:02回复:在文本中点按单词检索,用wifi下载失败,说让itunes下载,Itunes上装了,但无法同步到Pad上,怎么回事呢??
本站网友:Old Time Keeper在2011-01-15 01:47:56回复:Help,Bring back the old interface please!!!
本站网友:在回复:The new version is too ugly!,
